Reiki Training Course  

I teach Reiki in three levels. Each course runs over a weekend.

  • Level 1 - Self Healing
  • Level 2 - Practitioner Level  
  • Level 3 - Reiki Master/Teacher Level

Once you have been attuned to Reiki, you will have it for your entire life and can connect to it as often as you like.

The course consists of a mixture of guided meditations, teachings, activations and at the end of each course, an attunement. I can provide further details about the course on request

I have a relaxed teaching style and course dates can be fixed to suit diaries. 

You will receive a manual to take away with you and a certificate. 

Do get in touch if you have any specific requirements or course questions - I'd be happy to help.

Reiki Style

There are a few different types of Reiki.

I practice and teach Shamballa Multi- Dimensional Healing (MDH). This style includes the traditional Usui Reiki, plus additional energies; Karuna and Mahatma.

Shamballa MDH has Tibetan origin and uses additional symbols.