Benefits of Reiki

Reiki Benefits

Here is a list of some benefits of Reiki

  1. It's relaxing
    Reiki relaxes the body, muscles and can releases any tension. It can promote a peaceful mind set thereby reducing levels of stress.
  2. Acts on all levels
    Reiki can clear blocked emotions and encourages emotional release. It works on all levels including the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
  3. Balances energies
    Life events and general pressures of modern life can bring our energies out of balance. Reiki can help to restore this balance.
  4. Adaptive & safe
    Reiki is gentle yet powerful and it adapts to the individual. As it is safe, it can be given to all individuals including babies and the elderly.
  5. Stimulates spiritual growth
    Reiki reconnects to your true self and so can help in stimulating your spiritual growth.

"We are not physical beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a physical experience."
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin